Sunday, December 29, 2024

Vikings Packers

 Tug o war hit the link to watch 

Fan games 

Rutledge Mn. Coming up


Does coffee fuel your day or is it just liquid distraction?

  Contrary to popular opinion coffee is not just the fuel you use to start your day. Nope coffee is a whole category in and of itself and sorry to say it's just liquid distraction no matter when, where or how you drink it. Hold up there before you get your undies in a bunch and just hear me out. 

Think about a cafe in the very early morning in a small town. What do you see at the big table in the middle of the room? And at the counter? How about the small table in the corner? I'll give you a hint, waitresses have a name for it/them. 

1. Coffee Fuckers- they sit all day getting refills (when there was no limit on them) and pay for one cup all while being very needy and attention seeking,taking up the servers time from actual tables buying a meal and leaving a tip.

2. Cop Coffee- Cops gather for coffee but get a bad rap, it's an old joke about where's acop when you need one-having coffee and donuts. In their defense if they get a radio call they need to jump up and leave throwing the money on the table. They always tip and they are good to have around if you work in a seedy part of town

3. Coffee Girl-Comes in before, after and during work sometimes in a hurry sometimes not but mostly just sits alone on her phone in her own little world.

4. Coffee Guy- hurried in the morning-relaxed in the afternoon a little self absorbed, likes to talk a lot.

5. Old man coffee- mostly harmless sorta sad looking likes conversation, could be okay but could easily turn into a coffee fucker at any moment.

Do you have coffee on the run to get that jolt and wake up and get yourself going or are you using coffee as a reason to leave your desk, get a little gossip, walk around the office and check things out, waste some time,ponder the meaning of life,hide with it in the bathroom,hide in the walk in cooler with it,carry it around like a badge of honor while appearing to be working, a reason to socialize with people you don't like anyways but hey you're on a break.

Do you make coffee at home to sit and enjoy it or just get your day going or get a poop started? Do you stand in line to order an overpriced coffee that is more desert than a coffee? Do you have a favorite mug or a collection of them to use as a fashion accessory everywhere you go? 

What is your relationship with coffee, functional fuel or liquid distraction?  

Buy the Coffee Fuckers Mug

Ten excuses not to go to work or to any event

1. I'm tired and I have to poop 2. I don't want to 3. Cat won't let me 4. Dog said No 5. It's too hot  6. It's too cold ...